Thursday 10 August 2017


Week five was a great week for me as a student. I remembered that research work and design is part of what every student must go through before they graduate. Important tools used in research design are journey mapping, value chain and value network and mind mapping. The tutor defined journey mapping as a geographical representation of the experience which customers have when they interact with products and services. A value chain is a sequence of activities within an organization which adds value to the product being offered to the customer. I learned that mind mapping is an important concept which involves looking for pattern in substantial data amounts. As a researcher, I realized that there is a difference between academic research and design-led research.  Academic research is driven by theories while the design-led research is very practical. Moreover, I learned about qualitative and quantitative research approaches, the types of data and common sources of research data.

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The last topic in this course was about designing entrepreneur fundraising campaigns. The tutor defined fundraising as a set of activitie...