Thursday 24 August 2017


During week six we continued learning about how to design research. In the introductory part of the unit, I learned about research approaches, data types, data sources, and ethics. I got a better understanding of what research is all about; ‘Research is the systematic collection and interpretation of information with a clear purpose to find things out.' I also learned about some of the ethical issues which affect research. The most important according to me was about the privacy of the participants. Interviews should be held in a separate room but not in the office. It is wrong for a researcher to lie to participants to get information from them. When doing research, it is advisable for the researcher to get an organizational and individual consent from the participant. Also, I learned about co-creation of insights which is a highly involved research, and the customers create ideas and insights with the design team. This was a new concept to learn in week 6.

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