Sunday 17 September 2017


We were approaching the end of the unit when we were introduced to a very thought-provoking topic; Marketing. Important ideas from the topic were; understanding the target markets, defining marketing, competitor analysis, 4ps of marketing, Entrepreneurial marketing campaigns and design as communication. Marketing is the management process which identifies and supplies the customer requirements effectively. A target market is a market which a marketing campaign is aimed at. I learned that the best way to identify competitors is to read about them from their websites and compare what you do with what they do. In marketing, the product, price, promotion and place are the main concepts which facilitate the marketing process and campaigns.
I now know that as a marketer I have to be a good communicator so that I can communicate innovation to the product/service users.

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The last topic in this course was about designing entrepreneur fundraising campaigns. The tutor defined fundraising as a set of activitie...